Sunday, July 21, 2019

FT Westboro Client of the Month: Andrew P Andy, why did you join FT? I joined Fitness Together because I wanted to get in better overall shape and improve my energy levels throughout the day

. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? I lost 25 lbs within the first 4 months of being at FT, while also gaining strength and flexibility. What do you want to accomplish next? I'd like to continue getting stronger, leaner and more flexible. As an avid golfer, my hope is that my fitness progress will improve my golf game this Summer. What are some things you like about FT? I like being held accountable for remaining consistent with my workout schedule. I also enjoy being safely pushed to my limits by Trainer of the Month, John. From Andy's trainer, John: Andy is consistent and dedicated to his physical development. He recent increased his sessions to 4x per week in order to balance his flexibility and core work for golf with his desire for increases in strength and muscle mass.

FT Norwell Client of the Month Debbie P

. Debbie, Why did you join FT? I wanted to get healthy and get myself back to comfortable weight. I also wanted to increase my stamina and be in overall better physical shape. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? I have lost over 10 lbs and 15 inches all over my body. What do you want to accomplish next? I want to continue to lose more weight and get into my small clothes that I haven't fit into for years. Mike, why do you think Debbie has been so successful? Debbie has come such a long way since she first started. She has been successful due to her relentless dedication and determination to improve her health inside and outside of the gym. She shows up every session ready to work and pushes herself the best she possibly can. She has been a pleasure to work with even with her negative comments and complaints that I don't listen to ;)

All About Hydration: Why You Should Drink More Water http://s

Why You Should Drink More Water & How to Do It | Fitness Together
Hydration is the key to feeling great, staying well and giving your body what it needs to run smoothly — especially in the hot summer months and when you’re active.

Friday, July 19, 2019


. Get Loose - Wear Lightweight Cotton Clothes 2. Eat Spicy Foods - it Actually Cools the Body Down! 3. Drink Chrysanthemum Tea - a cooling Herb 4. Opt for a Lukewarm Shower instead of a Cold One 5. Cool Your Blood - run your Wrists Under Cold Water for 5 seconds 6. Hydrate - Drink Water! 7. Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine - ;( 8. Eat Popsicles & Ice Cream - because it's Summertime! 9. Breathe like a Yogi 10. Chill Your Bed with Cool Sheets

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Wall Ball Throws work the quads, glutes, core, shoulders and triceps

. It also improves hip drive which in turn benefits other lifts and movements. Check out the how to on our blog:

Monday, July 15, 2019

The dumbbell snatch is a great exercise movement to increase hip drive

. It also increases power and strength throughout the body with an emphasis on the shoulders, back, and core. The Dumbbell Snatch Workout is a great way to improve shoulder stability. Dumbbell Snatch How-To: Watch the video on our blog

Dumbbell Snatch Workout with a Personal Trainer | Fitness Together
Personal Trainer at Fitness Together describing how to do a Dumbbell Snatch Workout.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Describe your #summer in one emoji


Try Vegetarian Baked Beans at Your BBQ! Did you know that July 3rd is National Eat Beans Day? But not all baked beans are created equally

. One cup of Vegetarian Baked Beans will cost you 239 calories (1 gram fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 11 grams fiber, 12 grams protein and 551 mg potassium) and contribute a whopping 856 mg of sodium but that’s small change compared to one cup of regular Boston Baked Beans with 392 calories and an outrageous 1149 mg of sodium (12 gram fat, 13 mg cholesterol, 10 grams fiber, 15 grams protein and 1068 mg potassium).

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Swimming: - All around Ha

Swimming: - All around Happy Person - Tidy and Neat - Make the Best Lovers - Charitable Cycling: - Laid back & Calm - Somewhat materialistic - Least likely to be depressed or stressed - Open-minded Walking/Hiking: - Likes their own company - Prefers to be away from the spotlight - Hard on themselves but generally confident Running: - Extroverted - Seeks the Spotlight - Enjoys lively, upbeat music Fishing: - Patient and Focused - Easy going and calm - Good with children or elderly people Gardening - Slightly Obsessive - Curious folk - Creative & Passionate - Nurturing

Friday, June 28, 2019

What Your Favorite Summer Fruit Says About You: Watermelon - Optimistic

. Strong on the Outside. Sweet on the Inside. A Good Friend to have. Pineapple - You are Career-Minded. You are Sincere and maybe a bit too Honest. Very Independent. Blueberries - Extroverted. Logical Thinker. Loves Music. Very Intuitive. Peach - High Value of Friendships. Go-Getter. Passionate. Faithful in Love. Coconut - Stubborn, Quick-Witted & Self Aware. Thoughtful and a bit too Serious. Mango - Very Opinionated. Tend to be an Extremist - very Black & White. But a Softie when in Love!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Benefits of a Boxing Workout: We are not talking about taking a punch or preparing for the ring

. Boxing for general fitness has become somewhat of a phenomenon-providing a high intensity workout that is surprisingly a ton of fun. Read more on our blog:

A healthy body starts wit

A healthy body starts with a healthy mind! #MotivationalMonday

Sunday, June 16, 2019