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Thursday, March 30, 2017
Let's get moving forward! Any movement is better than none
Let's get fit together! No strings attached complimentary training session and consult-->

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Let us help you set and reach healthy goals!
No strings attached complimentary training session and consult-->
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Eating fish can affect your longevity as well as unclog those arteries. That’s the buzz from a study out of Japan which concluded that eating fish in lieu of fatty red meats protects against the development of atherosclerosis—the root cause of heart attacks and stroke. #Health #Nutrition #FitnessTogether
Make fitness PLAYFUL again
Our trainers will help you stay motivated to get healthy and STRONG! No strings attached complimentary training session and consult-->

Monday, March 27, 2017
#MotivationalMonday #FitnessTogether #personaltraining
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Are you ready to take your health to the next level? Let us help you reach those goals
No strings attached complimentary training session and consult-->
Strawberry Pineapple Banana Lava Flow Smoothie Recipe
"Share" it to Save it!
1 Banana, large ripe frozen
1 cup Pineapple, frozen
1 cup Strawberries, semi-frozen
1 Sweetener
3/4 cup Silk Unsweetened Cashewmilk, or as necessary (substitute with another milk if necessary)
Saturday, March 25, 2017
#CleanEating #Chocolate Muffins -- Delicious muffins made with whole wheat flour, naturally sweetened and not a drop of oil.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
How to Stay Healthy During Spring Break
If you’ve got kids, or know kids, or are in school yourself, chances are you’ve got Spring Break looming ahead. A week off from regularly structured activities right when Spring Fever is hitting can be a wonderful thing. Several days to play, sightsee, enjoy the sun (or snow, as the case may be), and just goof around is much-needed. However, if you’re not careful, a week of vacation can also wreak some pretty serious havoc on your hard-earned healthy habits. Just when you’ve gotten a firm hold on your New Year’s resolutions, the evil temptations of springtime treats and lazy lounging come a-knocking. In case you need some inspiration and ideas for how to hold firm to your nutrition and fitness goals, EVEN during Spring Break, we’ve got you covered.
If you’re traveling:
One of the most enjoyable aspects of travel is to enjoy new and different foods, right? And there’s no reason why you shouldn’t. And if you do a little careful planning, you can have your cake and your health, too.
Keep up the exercise routine. Utilize the hotel gym, or tag along with the folks you’re visiting to their gym. It can be exciting to try out a new workout facility or a new group fitness class. Even better, spring for a double trainer session and treat your loved one.
If you’re going to eat out, walk there. And why not lengthen your walk to enjoy some sights on the way? Upping your activity level while on vacation won’t totally negate the extra calories that will tempt you, but it’s way better than nothing.
And once you’re seated, eschew the munchables. Say “no, thank you” to the bread basket, the chips, or the high-fat appetizers. Yes, of course you’re starving after your power walk to get there, but you’ll be better off asking for a raw veggie platter with low-cal dressing or hummus. And also? Make like a Kindergartener and share. Sharing your entrée may allow you some extra room to share a dessert, too.
Plan one “eat-in” meal per day. Not only will this save you a little cash, but you’ll be able to be fully in charge of your food intake and nutrition once a day. Pack healthy high-protein, high-fiber options like plain oatmeal packets, protein bars, and protein powder. And then scour the local grocery store or farmer’s market to up the nutrition with some fresh produce.
If you’re stay-cationing:
Play tourist. Take walking tours of your city’s sights and attractions. Many feature free guided tours. Even if you’ve been there before, you’ll be surprised at how much you can learn and appreciate about your hometown. Or hop in the car for a small trip to the next town over and explore their attractions.
Try a new place to shop. If you don’t go on a regular basis, make an effort to shop at the Asian, Indian, Spanish, or Mexican markets. Explore the goods, and buy enough food to make two days’ worth of healthy meals. Not sure what to buy? The owners or employees will likely be only too happy to make some delicious suggestions.
Keep your regular schedule with your trainer. In fact, see if you can bring a family member or two along just this once. It will be fun for them to see firsthand what is keeping you so fit and healthy. Plus, the Cardio Together program, the killer strength training, and the nutrition counseling you enjoy might just inspire them to take on a few health goals of their own.
Spring Break doesn’t have to be a break from your healthy endeavors. In fact, fitness and health can enhance your vacation with a little planning and inspiration. Time with your family can, and should, be a time of health and fun. Enjoy, and happy spring!
#TipTuesday Eat Less Red and Processed Meat! Did you know that March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month? Studies have shown that people who eat excessive amounts of red and processed meats are at increased risk for colorectal cancer as well as premature mortality
#FitnessTogether #Nutrition #health

Sunday, March 19, 2017
What are the dangers of overtraining?
Josh Bate
FT East Greenwich
"It all boils down to knowing your own body and knowing when it's telling you to back off. Overtraining for one person might just be the norm for another. Certainly if you push yourself too hard your body will react by being inflamed, injured, run down, extremely fatigued or any combination of the above.
"Your body is a machine much like an automobile. If you ignore your flat tire long enough, eventually the car isn't going anywhere. Same with your body. If you ignore that sore elbow or stiff knee long enough you are playing with fire."
Blake Beckcom
FT Mission Hills
"Outside of nutrition, rest is the most important component of a sustainable long-term fitness program. The body has to recover from bouts of exercise. And the older we get, the more important this becomes.
"Listen to your body and to your state of mind. If you are dragging yourself to a workout and are tired, it simply may mean you need more rest in between workouts. More rest equals peak physical and mental acuity and fends off injury. You'll get where you want to go faster by getting more rest."
Malik Stevens
FT Central Georgetown
"While exercising regularly is a great habit, there is also a thing as exercising too much. Overtraining occurs when a person exercises at an intensity, quantity and duration that is more than his body can recover from. The dangers of overtraining include excess weight loss, fatigue, weakened immune system, chronic muscle and joint pain, and appetite loss.
"Although overtraining is not easily recognizable, one should pay close attention to any signs that they are not allowing their body adequate time to recover. Inadequate recovery time can actually be counterproductive to any workout regime and potentially dangerous, causing not only physical but behavioral problems. These behavioral signs include impaired athletic performance, poor sleep or insomnia, and loss of enthusiasm and in some cases may lead to depression, anxiety and increased irritability.
"Both these physical and behavioral symptoms combined can greatly increase the risk of injury during any workout, thus it it is very important to avoid overtraining and to allow your body the recovery time that it needs and deserves."
Billy Pratt
FT Avon
"Acute overtraining typically involves a localized injury -- too much volume and/or intensity being placed upon joints or tissues, causing them to degrade or hurt. Chronic overtraining is more of a systemic condition where because one is training more than they can recover from, hormonal and metabolic changes occur which can lead to depression, loss of appetite, a decrease in performance, and/or greater susceptibility to illness.
"Overtraining in any of its forms and manifestations is dangerous and counterproductive, as the goal of any fitness program should be to enhance rather than degrade the health, function, and well-being of the trainee. It's usually easier to spot the signs of overtraining in others rather than yourself, so if you don't have a fitness coach to monitor you then pay attention to any feedback you get from those around you regarding negative changes in your mood or behavior."
Bruce Kelly
FT Media
"First, there are few people that will really overtrain as most people simply won't push themselves that hard. But that being said, the dangers are two-fold: stagnation and a lack of progress, and increased injury potential.
"The number one rule in training is you should not get hurt while training. Overtraining increases that possibility as both your central nervous system and your muscular system are in a compromised state."
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Friday, March 17, 2017
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Back Exercises and Stretches to Help You Get Ready for Gardening #FitnessTips
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Have you signed up for "FREESTYLE FITNESS YOGA" with Amanda? CALL US and reserve your spot for the FREE small group class we are offering:508-366-0099!
This fun class is designed to increase strength and core stability,
improve flexibility and reduce stress in a semi-private session.
Great for both the first timer or anyone looking to improve strength to make your yoga experience more enjoyable.
CALL US to Reserve your spot today 508-366-0099!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Do Your Resolutions Need Some Rescuing?
“I’m going to eat a paleo diet.” “This year I’m going to lose 15 pounds.” “I’m going to spend less money.” Or, our favorite: “I’m going to exercise five days per week.”
Remember that day, a mere 2½ months ago, when you solemnly swore that 2017 was going to be DIFFERENT? That you were going to stick to your resolutions no matter what? Yeah, us, too. So how ARE those New Year’s resolutions coming along? If we just made you cringe a little, we apologize. Our goal is not to emit guilt or self-reproach. Rather, if you’re in despair over resolutions that have become more lofty ideas than life changes, we’d like to offer you some Resolution Rescue.
If it’s any comfort, you’re not alone with your resolution struggle. In fact, only 9.2% of those who made New Year’s resolutions in report being successful in their endeavors. Also, people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to one day meet their goal. Not only that, now that you’ve had some experiences with potential pitfalls and difficulties with your resolutions, you’re likely to make resolutions that you have a much better chance of keeping. Okay, feeling better? Now let’s get on to the business of how to get you back on track, to have the best second quarter possible.
Pick your favorite. Just choose one goal that you feel most strongly about wanting to achieve, and hone your energy into reaching that goal. And with this one resolution, make sure that it’s challenging enough to be a big accomplishment, but not so lofty that you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Seek out success stories. They say that no man (or woman) is an island, and this is true with resolutions, too. It can be humbling to ask for advice or help, but another person’s wisdom can make or break your success. If you know someone who has successfully achieved the very thing you’re trying to accomplish, seek him or her out and ask for some tips.
Measure your progress. Don’t take an all-or-nothing approach to your goal. Sure, you want to knock it out of the park, but be sure to properly congratulate yourself on your smaller goals, too. Plus, if you are closely monitoring your progress then you can quickly determine if your goals are too high, too easy, or if you’ve hit a plateau.
Get back on that horse. Realize that you will indeed stumble. And when you do, don’t you dare simply throw in the towel. One weak moment during the day is not an excuse to throw the rest of the day in the trash. The sooner you get back up again, the sooner you’ll reach your goal. Coach Vince Lombardi put it well when he said, “It isn’t whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.”
Don’t think of your January resolutions as failures, thinking of them as a rehearsal of sorts. After the practice round of the first quarter, you have a much bigger and better chance of keeping your “new and improved” resolution. Let your trainer at Fitness Together know what goals you have. During your own personalized workout session, your trainer will help you to do exactly what you need to be successful. It’s your own trainer, it’s your workout, and it’s your goal to accomplish.
#TipTuesday IMPROVE YOUR “GOOD” HDL CHOLESTEROL! There are several lifestyle steps you can do that will increase your level of “good” HDL cholesterol (you want that number to be at least 40 mg/dL and higher is better)
Put on your sneaks every day and get those miles in is the first way to get those numbers up. Drink one glass of red wine every day is the second and lastly, lose extra body fat if you are overweight.

Monday, March 13, 2017
#Eat less Salt! Did you know that March 13th is #WorldKidneyDay and that most kidney disease is caused by high blood pressure? High blood pressure is related to a lifetime of excess sodium consumption—so protect your kidneys by cutting back on sodium overload #Healthyliving #Nutrition #FitnessTogether
#Eat less Salt! Did you know that March 13th is #WorldKidneyDay and that most kidney disease is caused by high blood pressure? High blood pressure is related to a lifetime of excess sodium consumption—so protect your kidneys by cutting back on sodium overload #Healthyliving #Nutrition #FitnessTogether

#MotivationalMonday #FitnessTogether #personaltraining
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Have you signed up for "FREESTYLE FITNESS YOGA"? CALL US and reserve your spot for the FREE small group class we are offering for the next 2 weeks:508-366-0099!
This fun class is designed to increase strength and core stability,
improve flexibility and reduce stress in a semi-private session.
Great for both the first timer or anyone looking to improve strength to make your yoga experience more enjoyable.
CALL US to Reserve your spot today 508-366-0099!
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Seven Steps to a Healthier Eating Plan #FitnessTips
Friday, March 10, 2017
Have you signed up for "FREESTYLE FITNESS YOGA" with Amanda? CALL US and reserve your spot for the FREE small group class we are offering for the next 2 weeks:508-366-0099!
This fun class is designed to increase strength and core stability,
improve flexibility and reduce stress in a semi-private session.
Great for both the first timer or anyone looking to improve strength to make your yoga experience more enjoyable.
CALL US to Reserve your spot today 508-366-0099!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Raspberry and Lemon #Water #recipe ! #Yum #drinkyourwater #FitnessTogether
Raspberry and Lemon #Water #recipe ! #Yum #drinkyourwater #FitnessTogether

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Introducing: PRIVATE 1-ON-1 YOGA our new class "INTRODUCTION TO POWER YOGA"
CALL US to Reserve your FREE session with Amanda today 508-366-0099!
This fun class is designed to increase strength and core stability, improve flexibility and reduce stress in a semi-private session. EVERYONE IS INVITED - BRING A FRIEND Small group classes (2-4 people) CALL US to Reserve your FREE session with Amanda today 508-366-0099!
Focus on your #Nutrition ! Did you know that March is #NationalNutritionMonth ? Now is the time to sit down with your Nutrition Together guide and get a nutrition check-up #Healthyliving #diet #weightloss #FitnessTogether
Focus on your #Nutrition ! Did you know that March is #NationalNutritionMonth ? Now is the time to sit down with your Nutrition Together guide and get a nutrition check-up #Healthyliving #diet #weightloss #FitnessTogether

Tuesday, March 7, 2017
#TipTuesday EAT EGG WHITES (BUT TOSS THE YOLKS) The great egg debate…should we limit eggs in our diet and do they really raise cholesterol? Make no mistake about it; eggs are a high cholesterol food
One egg yolk contains approximately 220 mg of dietary cholesterol. If you want to lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol through diet, the government recommends that you limit your daily dietary cholesterol intake to just 200 mg/day. So…one egg yolk and you are over the top! I suggest you toss the yolks and eat the egg whites with abandon. Egg whites are a perfect high quality protein and contain just 17 calories! #Nutrition #Health #FitnessTogether

Monday, March 6, 2017
#MotivationalMonday #FitnessTogether #personaltraining
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Try some Blueberry Orange #Water ! #recipes #health #FitnessTogether
Try some Blueberry Orange #Water ! #recipes #health #FitnessTogether

Saturday, March 4, 2017
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
#FitnessTogether #personaltraining #fitness #workout
Friday, March 3, 2017
Thursday, March 2, 2017
#ThankfulThursday We Love our Clients! #FitnessTogether #training
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
#WorkoutWednesday Inchworm pushups are a total body movement that strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, arms, chest, and core while actively stretching your hamstrings, calves and back
Set a goal of 3 sets of 10 repetitions. #FitnessTogether
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
Come Try us out for FREE--- >
Eat Peanut Butter! Did you know that March 1st is #NationalPeanutButterLoversDay ? Peanut butter is a perfect lean protein alternative filled with fiber and good fats
A perfect addition to an apple or banana for a filling, nutritious snack. #healthy #fitness #FitnessTogether

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